Constant Motion Is

The Rule

This piece will be the first of several articles on the illusions sustained by human consciousness, starting with the illusion of non-movement when immobile.  

The Influence Of The Dead

Do the dead exert an influence over the living?  If so, how?  Are they conscious of those who pass within their space?

      The Quotidian Soul

Many people associate the soul with religion and the afterlife but the soul (like God) is with you every day and every where.


Be Moths to God's Light

If God is pure spiritual Light, we are like moths to It.  We cannot help but crowd around it or be mesmerized by its luminescence.  

Does the Soul Have a Religion?

The soul is energy that later chooses a religion (or not) but whose choice may not be the arbiter of their destination after death.

Life Before Life

Do we exist before the soul joins the body at birth?  Do we incarnate from heaven and return to heaven?  

     The Repentant Soul

All human beings are rays on an invisible Cosmic Sun and endowed with the possibility of a relationship with God that brings love and forgiveness to all who turn inward with sincerity.  

The Omnipresent Soul

Every religion has a different theory of “soul” and what happens after death of the physical body.