Biology or Maximum Human Potential?

Human societies formed around biological events that were thought to provide the best guide as to when to marry or have children.  Modern cultures are now turning to maximizing human potential by offering more choices.  What should guide humanity's future - biology or maximum potential?

Avoiding The Poverty Trap

Poverty is the biggest driver of crime all over the world. 

Lost No Longer

In the movie Black Panther, Eric Stevens’ father (played by Sterling Brown) says that in Wakanda, they would be described as “lost.”  This term refers to the relationship that people of African descent in the diaspora have with their African heritage.

A Sustainable Relationship With Nature

Modern life for Western civilizations and other wealthy countries is supported by technological ways of beating nature.

Eight Brains - One World

We need to get rid of unhelpful categories in how we think about ourselves and others.  There are lots of articles and theories on the supposed differences in intelligence between races.  

Bringing Peace Among Different Religions

Why are some willing to commit acts of atrocity in the name of God?  Because they believe that other religions and their followers are wrong and do not deserve to be treated with decency and respect.  They may believe that their God justifies or requires violence towards believers in other religions.  Several atheists have proposed to do away with religion because of the bad acts of extremists.  

On Money

There is nothing wrong with making millions or billions of dollars if that is your choice, even if that is more money than you could ever hope to spend or give away.